As a news reporter in this community, I have worked hard to be an objective observer, to get the facts right, to see the issues from both sides and to be clear and concise in my telling of the events.
Journalists understand the subtle ways in which they can influence – or attempt to influence – the reader. Words paint pictures, and sometimes a writer doesn't see the personal bias filtering into the work. It can be a continual struggle for a legitimate news reporter to stick to the facts and only the facts.
Now, having thrown my hat (complete with my press credentials still stuck in the band) into the ring for this city council race, I confess the idea of taking a stand on public matters is a bit daunting.
Don't get me wrong, my friends and family can tell you that I am not short on having opinions, but when it comes to taking a public stand on public issues, this is on–the–campaign–trail learning.
I still intend to listen carefully, and get the facts right. I intend to know my source, and trust yet verify.
It will probably sound at times like I am trying to stay on the fence, but it will be because I haven't decided which pasture looks like it has less manure in it, not that I am going to sit on the fence forever.