Once again, Council Filsinger was the only candidate that did not participate in the forum hosted by the paper and radio.
I was extremely disappointed as I had some questions for him.
First, I wanted to ask him about the multitude of property complaints that have been logged with the city about his residence, his business at 23rd and Illinois and the property he owns just south of the fairgrounds.
According to documents I have, the reasons for the complaints were “Multiple vehicle concerns - encroaching on property, licensing?? General appearance in residential neighborhoods; general appearance of area. Are they in compliance with zoning?”
This is what is listed under the results heading “Staff felt ineffective in dealing with issue due to multiple previous complaints and potential ethical and legal conflicts - referred to Mayor who will handle complaint”
In checking with the city, no official answer was ever forthcoming from Mr. Filsinger or from the Mayor resolving the complaints.
I called Mayor Weiderspon this morning, and he told me that he did not “recall” any one-on-one conversation with the city manager about it.
I asked him three different ways, three times.
It has been part of the public record regarding these complaints for months, yet the mayor is now attempting to deny he knew about it?
Like they say on that Saturday Night Live skit, “Really !?! Really!?!”
Perhaps he should have documented the meeting like the city manager did.