"Our anger regarding citations should be directed at the board who issued the citations for not following up, and the city attorney for not doing anything about it, and for the city manager for not hiring an attorney to do anything about it."
The PRT board identified properties that were in violation of city ordinances. They sent letters asking the property owner to bring the properties into compliance. We should be angry at them?
The attorney was required by law to recuse himself. Had he not disclosed the conflict of interest and stayed on the case, he would have been guilty of a criminal act. We should be angry at him?
The city manager went to the Mayor and asked for his help. If the city manager had hired a special prosecutor, we would hear from Mr. Filsinger's camp that Mr. Person was on a witch hunt, and that he was trying to undermine the council. He attempted to handle the situation without taking legal action and saving the cost of hiring outside counsel. We should be angry at him?
Let me see if I can make this clear.
The PRT board would not have had to send any letters about the ordinance violations if there had not been any ordinance violations. The city attorney would not have had to recuse himself because of a conflict of interest if there had not been any ordinance violations. The city manager would not have had to ask for the mayor's help if there had not been any ordinance violations.
I think we know who we should be angry with and why.